Nursery ministries


Our nursery cares for children from birth to 36 months during all service times. It is our belief that the nursery is a vitally important ministry, and we are dedicated to creating a faith-filled environment that ministers to all the needs of the children in our care. We use a security label system to ensure that children can only be removed from the nursery by an authorized adult.

Preschool ministries


Jesus said, “Let the little children come to Me…” Our preschoolers are learning that the Bible is a special book, that God gave us eyes to see, ears to hear, hands to touch, a nose to smell, and a mouth to taste and they are learning to thank God for everything. Preschool programs are available for all services on Wednesdays and Sundays.

Team Kid


TeamKID is designed for Kids in Discipleship! It features Bible memory games and application of Bible truths, engaging missions videos and activities, and fun activity-based learning all while helping your kids grow to be more like Jesus.

Young Children

Children’s Church

Children’s Church is a separate, age appropriate worship experience for kids 1st - 5th grade during the Sunday morning worship service at 10:45 a.m. They meet in the Use TeamKID acronym room in the worship center.

Online Giving for First Baptist Church Lake Alfred

First Baptist Church Lake Alfred has online giving available to those who desire to use it. We offer online giving only as a convenience and not as a way to circumvent sound biblical money management principles or in any way to incur debt. Users of online giving are responsible for setting up and controlling their online giving options themselves.
